We always build a strong connection based on trust, open communication, and realistic expectation-setting to help our clients feel more secure and connected with our brand. Understanding our client's needs, pain points, and objectives is key to determining the solution we can provide.
We cover weddings, birthdays, prenuptial, corporate events, personal photographer and any other types of events. We provide a group of photographers and cinematographers dedicated in capturing important events in your lives.
We provide self-serve or hosted booths that snap a series of photos featuring yourself and your best pals, and a photoman is a roving photographer that will take picture of guests and print it in an instant.
We offer a fully customizable, dual sided, LED Mobile sign and LED walls that is great for all types of marketing. Eventive Concept has been providing AV Production, Sound & Lighting Rentals, Special Effects, Generator Power and LED Mobile Signs.
We can cater to all types of events from weddings and special occasions, corporate, trade shows, festivals and exhibits. Our tents are professionally designed and maintained to tailor-fit any type of event. Browse here for choices of tents that you can rent.
0ur professional emcees are often hired to host an event, open a seminar series, or act as the master of ceremonies for events ranging from charity auctions to general annual meetings for large corporations.
They ensure all hair and make-up is done on time, and once filming starts they are often on set to touch up hair and make-up. They may also take notes and photos for continuity. When filming is over, they oversee the removal of any wigs, make-up or products.